1.But, it's also very rewarding to be able to look back over the history of the work we've produced and see the steady rise in quality.
2.Reflection can be used to look back over events and to turn them into learning experiences.
3.As we look back over the last 10 years, two-way trade between the United States and Africa has more than doubled.
4.I look back over the month and discover my exercise program is seriously out of sync.
5.You may ask why we look back over such a long period to measure average rates of return.
6.The annual holiday is a time for far-flung families to gather together, look back over the past year and plan for the future.
7.Let's take a moment to look back over the past few months.
8."If you look back over the past four years, " one former administration official said recently, "we haven't moved the Chinese at all. "
9.Look back over what you've written and see if anything sparks your interest.
10.As we look back over the month we spent there, our hearts are filled with gratitude.